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The One Who Bakes is Blogging!

Well hello there! I thought it was about time I got to grips with my social media - I've been relying too heavily on Facebook up until now! So the plan is to use this blog to give you an insight into what goes on inside my little cake-y head!

Firstly - I must apologise for my TERRIBLE laptop! Ever since I splased out on what I thought was a brilliant spec I have regretted it! The blummin' 'a' on the keyboard doesn't work properly! It's a sneaky little thing too! Sometimes when you press it, nothing happens! So you end up with a sentence tht doesn't quite mke sense! But the 'fun' doesn't end there! In a cunning ploy to make you look incredibly inept at this typing malarky, it sometimes throws some extra letters in! So aall my type caan go either waay! I do try my best to check through everything but I thought I'd give you an early excuse for my typos!

Anyway - on with my first post! So far 2016 has been awesome! I've taken the plunge and am working full time on The One Who Bakes! For a couple of years I've been 'playing' at being a cake maker - doing a few cakes a month for mostly family and friends. I registered with the council and HMRC straight away but I wasn't really interested in 'pushing' the business. But when fate intervened last November and changes in my old workplace would have impacted my family, I fought for voluntary redundancy and started plugging away at this full time. It's a scary prospect as I'm really proud of my work - but not many people know that The One Who Bakes exists! But the start of this year has been really positive and I am now booked up on a few weeks.

I've been lucky enough to be involved in a styled photo shoot and have got some really exciting orders coming up - I can't wait to share them with you! But for now I'll just share this sneaky peek from the fantaastic Emma B Photography:

I can't wait to show you the cake I made for the shoot - hopefully I can do that soon!

Until next time...

L xx

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The One Who Bakes | Leyland, Lancashire | 

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